Monday 9 May 2011


Slavery is bad thing. Slaves where kidnapped or triced onto a boat, and they where chained and loced up. It was often the Americans who caught they . Afther a long trip from Afrikas west coast to america they where thin, and dehydrated. Then when they arrived at USA they where balmed with palm - oil to look nicer. 

I think that salvery is a bad thing. You have to think that the slave mighyt can be you. The people who had slaves must thinked that they was a thing. They was nothing. In now days are slavery illegal, but that doesn't say that it isnt slavery today. so soon they was comed to land they where set on a auction there they where seld.

The civil war have something with slavery to do. The north states was not for slavery, but the south states was fore slavery. Then a big civil war who lasted from 1861 - 1865. To the end the north won and whole USA was not for slavery.

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