Thursday 15 December 2011

Top Gear

I will now present my favorite program. It is called Top Gear and is a car show program. They are presenting cars and testing the cares to the limit. The presentors of the great show is Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond, James May and The Stig. The Stig a anonymus racing car driver who have the job to set a lap time around The Top Gear Test Track.

The Stig at the 24 hour race at Silverstone.

  Top Gear has made 17 seasongs with around 10 episodes in each seasong. One episode lasts in 60 minutes. They started up in 1977, and had viewers around 6 million. Afther Jeremy left the program, the viewers fellt from 6 million to 3 million. Afther that they stoped making Top Gear in 2001. Clarkson worked with many other programs, unthil him and the produsent came up with an new idea.

The changes was many. They extended the show to one hour, and it was two new presentors. Richard Hammond and Jason Dave. James May replaced Jason afther one season.

Top Gear has now ish 350 million viewers and it been watched in many countries. Top Gear have been in Norway and recorded many scenes. They have also had one of the stops in Olso in their World Tour. I was there and had a great time. 

Upwards in the years they have been given nicknames, James as " Captain Slow", because he always drive so slow and gets lost. Richard as " Hamster" because he is so small  in relation to Jeremy. Jeremy has the reputation that " Poooower" is everything. I think this  is the best show ever made.

Monday 9 May 2011


Slavery is bad thing. Slaves where kidnapped or triced onto a boat, and they where chained and loced up. It was often the Americans who caught they . Afther a long trip from Afrikas west coast to america they where thin, and dehydrated. Then when they arrived at USA they where balmed with palm - oil to look nicer. 

I think that salvery is a bad thing. You have to think that the slave mighyt can be you. The people who had slaves must thinked that they was a thing. They was nothing. In now days are slavery illegal, but that doesn't say that it isnt slavery today. so soon they was comed to land they where set on a auction there they where seld.

The civil war have something with slavery to do. The north states was not for slavery, but the south states was fore slavery. Then a big civil war who lasted from 1861 - 1865. To the end the north won and whole USA was not for slavery.

Wednesday 13 April 2011

Imigrants in Norway

It is about 700000 imigrants in Norway (11.4%). I think that is a lot of people, when we are just 5000000 people in Norway.  The imigrants are coming from 216 different countries. Here I have a paragraf about the imigrants in Norway.

Here you see that it is most people from Polen that are imigrants in Norway followd by Pakistan, Sweden, Irak, Deutchland and many others.. There are living  imigrants in all of Norway and in Oslo is it 131000 imigrants( 24%)

Like the Americans we have real Norwegians. I doesn't think it is one real American because the Americans are blandt off imigrants Canadadiers... It is like a melting pot. The society of imigrants In Norway are a bit.. I dont heng out whi them. I have heard rumors that doesnt set them in a positive light. We doest'n speak the same laguage, maybe English but it isnt easy to get countact, but I have got some imigrants friends. I have seen on the TV about we should get more contact with muslims with invite them on a cup of tea. Maybe it works?

Thursday 7 April 2011

Death Penalty.

In USA is it a little bit of strage laws like " you can drive a car when you are 16, but you cannot drink before you are 21 ". I think that is a bit strange because we havent this in Norway. I have heard of my teacher that they have death penalty in USA. I didnt think they have that when they are calling them selvs " USA The Land of Opportunity/freedom. In this case i am neurtal because i realy dont like death penalty, but it depends of what you had done to get a death penalty. Here is a map that shows land that have death penalty:

It is a lot of countries in the world that had death penalty. On this picture is shows witch state that have death penalty. It is ower the half! I think it is a bit strange that some state are fore death penalty and other not! Then I think of USA not a ONE country but FIFTY countries. In Norway do we not have death penalty but we have prison penalty. We have all the same roules in all of Norway. Well America is America. To end this post I will say that i hope that death penalty isn't coming to Norway!

Sunday 3 April 2011

Typical Americans

When I think of what is typical Amercan, I think of a lot of things, such as :
  • Gold diggers. In old days people from European came to America to start a new live and become rich.Some of them went to the mountains and started digging for gold.
  • Big farms with cowboys. Many farms have bigs pastures and the farm owner hires cowboys to protect the livestock .
  • Big and fast cars. In America they have their own car brands called Ford and cadillac...  Many Americans often drives big cars like SUV and offroad cars. They are very proud of a populare car sport called NASCAR (National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing).
  • Yellow school busses. The busses have an old shaped form and are always yellow. You get an penalty if you taking a drive pass when the bus are loading passengers.
  • Celebrating days. The Americans are keen on celebrating traditional days like thanksgiving, halloween, 4th of July ( National Day.)
  • American sports. Their national sport is American football but basketball and icehockey are also populare sports.
  • Big film industry. In Hollywood are they creating the biggest and most expensive films in the world. The richest actors live in this area. Every year the film industy celebrate with Oscar nomination.
  • Religious and shareity. I have an understanding that the American people are very religious and will share goodness with other people. The President always say in his speaches : " God bless you all ", and there are many sharity organinsations who help sick and poor people. The difference between rich and poor people in the American society are very huge. 
  • Space shuttle. As the only country in the world the Americans developed the space shuttle. They are leading on the space tecnology and the first man on the moon was an American.
  • McDonals/BurgerKing. America is known to have many hamburger shops and large stakes.

Thursday 24 March 2011


In my live I have been on many vacations all around the world and i have never been in USA. The longest vacation i have been on was Thailand. If I would go to the USA i would go to California, Hollywood. I wouldnt go to some random desert range in Texas or Utha since im not fan of horses and stuff like that. In Hollywood you can go next to "Hollywood Walk of Fame", there many artist and stars have their name engraved in the ground. May be you can be so luck to see a faymous pop/rock star.

 So if I should pick a state in USA wold it be California. :)

Wednesday 23 March 2011


Hey. We are going to have a Blog project about America in our English lessions. Im very excited oubot this because i have never done this before. In my first Blogg entry I want to tell you about my blog name. I choose my Blog name because i think it is a nice car and i like the name.